
EMC commercial standards group ‘Emissions’ into three categories:


Free space 30 MHz to 1 GHz
or 3 GHz or 6GHz or Higher. End Frequency as Specified by the relevant standard.
Applies to all products without exception, unless deemed ‘benign’. Open Area Test Site (OATS)
Test Cell
Via Cable 30MHz to 300MHz Only for cables >3M and if specofoed om relevant standard CDNE
Conducted Via cables 9KHz or 150KHz to 30Mhz. Start frequency defined by the relevant standard. Applies to all products connected via cables. Luminaires require the 9KHz start, other products 150KHz LISN
Voltage Probe
Magnetic Free space 9KHz  to 30MHz Applies to Luminaires only. Large Loop antenna

For military and automotive products, different requirements apply.
Laplace can supply a complete range of test equipment that covers virtually all the EMC measurement requirements. These integrated systems are designed to cope with the real world problems associated with the measurement of the low level signals in the presence of ambient noise and poor test sites.


Radiated Emissions

Emissions measurement systems all comprise an input ’device’, such as an antenna or coupling network, plus an EMC analyser or receiver. The EMC analyser is the core of any system and provides the necessary signal measurement and subsequent processing of the results. Laplace offers a full range of all the above, plus test cells, EMC chambers and reference sources, all supplied as one integrated system with PC software for all control, display and report generation.