
Note that these tests are normally only required if the product is intended for use in a high magnetic field environment such as electrified railways, some industrial sites, hospitals, power generators or distribution transformer stations

IEC61000-4-8 Power frequency magnetic field  (eg:  50 and 60Hz)
IEC61000-4-9 Pulsed magnetic field  (eg,  Lightning strikes ,short circuit ‘events’, MRI scanners)


The equipment required consists of a coil to generate the field, and a driver to supply the current to the coil.

The coil is normally an open coil size 1m x 1m square, supplied on a stand such that it can be supported and rotated to provide vertical and horizontal polarised fields.


For the power frequency test, the HI 200 provides both the driver and the coil. This is fully compliant with IEC61000-4-8, both short term and continuous testing.


HA 200 Specifications IEC 61000-4-8

  • Power frequency magnetic fields acc. to IEC 61000-4-8
  • Test levels 3 / 10 / 30 / 100 A/m; continuous 1 – 130 A/m
  • Test level 1000 A/m short, with special transformer
6100-4-8 and 9 coil


For the pulsed magnetic field test, the Multi-CE5 mainframe generates the required pulse signals and is used in conjunction with the HI 200 coil unit. The HI 200 includes an interface to the Multi-CE5.  The test is generated and controlled via the Multi-CE5 user interface.

HA 200 Specifications IEC 61000-4-9

  • Pulsed magnetic fields acc. to IEC 61000-4-9
  • Test levels 100 / 300 / 1000 A/m; continuous
  • Wave shape 8/20µs


HI 200 Datasheet