



Vehicles, boats and other internal combustion engines.



RF emissions measurement for the protection of on-board receivers.
Relates to whole vehicle and to components (original equipment and aftermarket)

The table below shows the test requirements and ancillary items.
Common to all tests are an EMC analyser (SA1002 or SA3000), pre-selector (RF910), pre-amplifier (SA1020) and associated software (included with the EMC analyser).

EN 55025 Clause Item Type Freq. range
Method Ancillaries
5 Whole vehicle Radiated As specified On-board antenna Antenna matching unit
0.5 -30 1m monopole
30 – 1000 ¼ wave monopole
1000-2500 As recommended
Whole vehicle
Charging mode
Appropriate bands.

0.15 - 2500

On-board antenna LISN (CISPR16)
6 Components & modules Conducted 0.15 - 108 LISN LISN  (CISPR25)
0.15 - 245 Current probe Current probe
Radiated 0.15- 30 Antenna+ ALSE 1m monopole
30- 2500 Antenna + ALSE Broadband antenna
Annex F 0.15 – 245 (limited by cell size) TEM cell TEM cell
Annex G 0.15 – 980  (limited by stripline design) Stripline Stripline



ALSE = Absorber Lined Screened Enclosure.

Limits applicable to each test are included in the EMCEngineer software issued with the Laplace EMC analysers

Clause 5:

Emissions received by antenna on same vehicle.
Antenna is the one normally fitted to the vehicle. If non fitted, use 1m monopole (band B) or loaded ¼ wave monopole (band C & D).
Antenna matching unit reqd: Input imp. >100K II <10pF , Output imp.: 50R

Additional tests when vehicle is in charging mode.
AC mains: LISN: 50uH/50R AMN CISPR16
DC cable: LISN: 5uH/50R HV-AN High voltage
Comms lines: AAN (Artificial Asymmetric Network)

Clause 6:
Components & modules:

Power via 5uH AN  (annex E)
Conducted emissions, LISN   5uH/50R, CISPR25 0.15 – 108MHz (All detectors)
Conducted emissions,  current probe, 0.15 – 245MHz (Pk and Ave)
Radiated emissions, 1m monopole, 0.15 – 30MHz  in ALSE
Radiated emissions, broadband antenna(s), 30 – 2500MHz in ALSE

Annex E:

5uH LISN  i/p C = 1uF,  0/p C = 0.1uF, shunt R = 1K (CISPR25)
5uH HV AN i/p C = 0.1uF, o/p C = 0.1uF,  shunt = 1K. Additional discharge R = 1M
50uH/50R CISPR16
AAN for comms lines: CDN (to give 150R impedance)  For matching only.